01 May 2013

The Tasmania Report, Part Ten

Trip Report Contents

Day Five:  Zeehan & Queenstown (Day of desolation)

Quick Summary:  On our last day on Tasmania’s southwest coast we explore the towns of Zeehan and Queenstown, and wrap-up our time in Strahan.


A Diversion

For Thursday, we planned to have a relaxing morning in Strahan, and then drive to Zeehan to check it out and then head over to Queenstown to see what was there.

We did both, Zeehan first, then Queenstown, a full circle

Our hotel again, in the sun

On the cove

On the way out of town we got a little sidetracked when we saw a sign pointing the way to the beach we’d seen from the boat the previous day.

The beach was relatively easy to get to, and pretty close to the parking area.  We went down to have a look and take some photos.

Looking out at the ocean.  Looking closely, one sees the tannins and coloring of the water, owed to the outflow from the Gordon River

Looking down the beach

Philip, with the beach at his back

Me, with the Southern Ocean at my back

Quick, take a photo!  It's blue sky; fleeting blue sky

Looking toward the lighthouse we'd seen the previous day

Some creek that came from somewhere and flowed down the beach

Blue skies against the Southern Ocean

Me, on the beach

Misty beach

The beach

Philip snaps some photos

The ocean again

That odd little creek, flowing across the beach

At first I thought this was an instance of the ocean finding its way up a low spot in the sand, but it is actually a creek

On the way back to the main road, we saw the dirt road to go down to the gate between the harbour and ocean, so we decided to follow it.  It was a good fifteen miles before we finally got to the end of the road and the water.  And, oddly enough, some brilliant sunshine.

It was very isolated and we thought we were alone.  Until we got to the beach and saw a half dozen police digging a big hole on the beach.  No, we didn’t ask any questions:  we just got our photos and headed back to the car.  No clue what was going on!

Quiet, still waters of the harbor

Me, the beach, the calm waters, and ... sunshine

Wide, sandy beach

Panorama of the beach and sunny skies

Me; but, the main feature is the cops in the background, digging in the sand, for what we had no clue

Another panorama

Wide, sandy beach again


The road between Strahan and Zeehan is completely desolate and we scarcely passed any vehicles on the 45-minute drive there.  In Zeehan we found just a main drag, and that was completely deserted.  We were hungry for lunch and were left with the choice of Carol's Café in Zeehan, or pressing on to Queenstown and hope for something better.  We went with Carol and were actually quite pleased with the fish and chips that we both ordered.

Lunch at Carol's

Only show in town...

Looking down the main street of Zeehan.  The hustle and bustle of downtown

Philip, dodging the lunchtime rush hour to sneak a quick photo

Another of Zeehan

Me in Zeehan

If we'd have stayed in Zeehan, this would have been our hotel

This is the other side of the main only drag

After lunch we walked down the main drag, which took all of five minutes.  We made it back to the car and onward to Queenstown.


We’d passed through Queenstown on the way to Strahan, so we had seen part of it.  The roadway into Queenstown was amazing:  extremely steep, winding, and narrow, barely hugging onto the side of the mountain.  The mountains and hills around Queenstown are also impressive.  The town itself, though, was far from compelling.  We strolled around a little and took some photos, and then swung into the local IGA for a couple of items before returning to our hotel in Strahan.  When I was making our plans, I had looked at staying in Queenstown; we were glad that it was booked and that we ended up in Strahan.

Coming into Queenstown.  Notice the stripped mountains and hills

Welcome to Queenstown

Coming into Queenstown, from Zeehan

Downtown Queenstown

Downtown Queenstown

"Meet me at the Scrap Inn."  (Or not.)

This place looked like it was about to fall in on itself!

Mountains surrounding Queenstown

Queenstown.  Notice how steep the hills rise up at the end of the town

Miners' memorial

Miners' memorial

Miners' memorial

Miners' memorial

Miners' memorial

Miners' memorial

Building at the top of downtown

Queenstown's main drag

Queenstown's main drag

Clouds shroud the mountains that flank Queenstown

 Last Night in Strahan

Back at our hotel in Strahan, we headed back to the hotel.  Philip did some laundry and I started to pack my things.  I soon noticed ducks and geese out in the water just off the room’s front door.  I started throwing them some cookie crumbs.  Eventually, the duck found his way up onto the deck.  He ate right out of my hand and was super friendly.

Geese coming for a visit

"Anything to eat?"

A little bit of sun on our last night in Strahan

From our hotel room's balcony

Looking toward Strahan village:  this was our boat from the day before

A last photo in front of the cove

Poor little duck needs something to eat

Time to eat

He was really keen to eat out of my hand, but he drew the line at letting me touch him

Getting up all of the crumbs

Idyllic scene

Oh, that we'd had at least this much sun more often

Sun going down at the end of our last day

Philip, with Strahan village at his back

Me, with Strahan village behind me

Sunsetting over Strahan village

Beautiful skies at sunset

We went back into town for dinner at Bushman's Bar and Café before heading back to the room and soon to bed.  Friday would be a long day and we’d need our rest.

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