26 October 2012

[Really] Going Nowhere, Part Three: An Aborted Trip to SF

For the second of my three mileage runs out to the West Coast I would be going solo, with Philip headed to Alabama for that weekend.  As with the other two, I would go out of Baltimore.  I was on the same flights outbound as the week before, so BWI to Salt Lake, and into San Francisco.  On the way back I was supposed to fly through Minneapolis the next day.  But, sometimes the best set plans are laid to waste.
We boarded and pushed back on-time at BWI, just to sit in a holding area for about 90 minutes because of incoming weather.  This all made me certain that I’d miss my connection and have to overnight in Salt Lake.  The flight was good, as was the crew.  I even had an FA that had been on the same flight the week before.  We landed and I rushed over to my connecting gate, just to find that the flight would not go “until at least midnight.”
As it was I would have gotten into SFO at about eleven, overnight for a few hours, and then be on the 7:30 flight to MSP the next morning.  This would mean that I would be at the hotel for about two hours.  The thought was not appealing at all.
When I originally thought I would miss my flight to SFO I had checked hotels in Salt Lake.  There were plenty.  Knowing this, I asked the gate agent to put me on a flight out of Salt Lake the following morning and I would just overnight on my own dime.  She put me on the morning non-stop into National airport and I went to the hotel to get a little sleep.
All is well that ends well, and this ended up even better than well:  I got to fly back into DCA, saving myself the hassle of trying to get in from Baltimore, and even got a full night’s sleep in Salt Lake.  Next up:  the final mileage run of the year, back to SFO.

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