05 February 2011

Cape Town, Day One

A full first-day of sightseeing here in Cape Town.  Weather was very moderate, about 75, low humidity, and cloud-free.  We had a late breakfast in the Green Market Square, then went to the Castle of Good Hope (via the Parade Grounds, next to the District Six Museum, on to the South African National Gallery, and then strolled through a botanical gardens and The Company Gardens.

On our way back from the gardens we made a failed attempt to visit the De Waterkant neighborhood:  we didn't find what we were looking for and, when the area started to feel unsafe/uncertain, we threw in the towel, stopped for a snack, did some souvenir shopping, and headed back to the hotel for a bit of rest and blogging.

Here are some photos of our day, with, of course, more to follow later on my website; City Hall from the Parade Grounds (Table Mountain in the background); Castle of Good Hope; Green Marketplace:

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