28 January 2011

Snow Day. Sort Of.

Wednesday morning we awoke to a dusting of snow, with sleet piling on top of it.  Quickly that all changed to rain and we dealt with a day of cold rain.  About three o'clock in the afternoon it all changed--very quickly--to snow.  Very heavy, very wet snow.  And it was coming down so hard that, even though it was still 35 degrees, it wasn't melting as quickly as it was falling.

All of this made for a disastrous commute--for those driving.  People reported twelve- and fifteen-hour commutes.  Myself, well, I made it home in twenty minutes and thought that, at least this month, my exorbitant rent may have been worth it.  (Nightmarish tales of 1/2-day-long commutes here:  http://www.wtop.com/?sid=2250574&nid=25)

Some photos Philip took of the snow from the balcony:

Yesterday (Thursday) we were allowed to work from home.  I took advantage of that:  I slept until 8:20, then booted up my computer, and went about my normal routine, though in my house clothes, and with ready access to the water-cooker and tea.  Very nice--and productive--day.

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