01 September 2012

Lasik Update

A couple of folks asked me lately how the whole thing with my Lasik touch-up worked out or for an update.  So, here's one!

Thursday I had a final, pre-op appointment.  This appointment was to confirm that my prescription has not changed, since one needs their vision to have been stable for a bit before the procedure.  It has not changed and I am scheduled for my touch-up for the end of September.

Of concern, though, is that she tried initially to talk me out of the touch-up.  The doctor told me that being a "little nearsighted" was actually not that bad, as it would delay my need for readers from mid-40s to early 50s.

When I told her I wanted to proceed, as I needed glasses to drive at night and to see the television sharply, she described the procedure:  she will lift the "flap" created when she did the initial surgery, and then laser the eye for about two seconds.

Now, and here is the part the sound of which I dislike the most, if the flap has healed too thoroughly, a different approach is required.  This alternative method involves scraping the cornea.  That method requires wearing a clear contact lens on the eye for a few days until the cornea heals.  Great.

So, I am a little torn if I want to go through it, since it did not go spectacularly the first time.  As a dear former colleague once said "I don't know why I even bothered."  Indeed.  Good thing is that I have a few weeks to think it over and convince myself to go ahead or to settle for what I have.

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