22 June 2012

Lasik, Bogotá, My Website, and All the Rest

It's been so long since I've written anything here that I thought I'd write a quick catch-up post.

Lasik Update

The latest on this is that my eyes seem to have settled at 20/25 and 20/50.  So, my option is to leave them as-is or do a "touch-up" Lasik procedure.  When the eye doctor asked my preference, I told her I hadn't paid $4000 to still need glasses or contacts.  (I'm a little uncomfortable driving at night without glasses.)  My procedure is set for next month.  She said that my right eye needs just two or three seconds of laser.  Not looking forward to it but I want it done right.

What's Up With My Website

For a long time, nothing.  I bought new software about a year ago that simply didn't work.  It was unstable and posting content on it was just frustrating because often the work was for naught.  At Christmas Philip bought me a Dreamweaver license.  My next task is to learn how to use Dreamweaver and get back to my site.  Sadly, I've not been writing about my travels and I'm missing it.  So, in the meanwhile, I'm going to write here about my travels and then transfer the verbiage to my site when I get back to the site, which I hope will be very soon.


Mid-week last week we returned home from a few days in Bogotá, where we went for my birthday trip.  Yes, Colombia.  I'm working on some narrative about that and will post that here in several installments.  Stay tuned for tales of altitude sickness, a cathedral of salt inside a mountain, stray dogs, bomb-sniffing dogs, shopping, eating, and crazy driving.

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