12 November 2011

If It's Saturday, It Must Be Poland

As I type I'm in a cold, dark, and dreary Poland.  But, alas, it's not as bad as it sounds:  it's not raining (nor snowing), I've "done" Warsaw before, so I can forego scurrying from sight to sight without too much guilt, and, perhaps most importantly, I like the cold.  Only problem today is that I didn't pack for it because I was trying to economize space.

To back-up a bit, my flight from Seattle to Paris was packed-in, cheek-to-jowl, completely sold-out.  I lucked out, though:  the infant ten rows back slept most of the flight; the two children in the row behind me (one about three and the other five), were about the best-behaved children I've ever seen, and my seat mate was completely okay.

We pushed back on-time and landed at such a time that we should have been on-time.  Of course, this being CDG (though they're not the only airport that does this), you never know when you're going to end up with stairs and a bus instead of a jetway.  We got the stairs and a bus, which adds precious minutes that I didn't have to spare:  the geniuses at Air France consider an hour enough of a connection time.  An hour to clear passport control, change concourses (a fifteen minute affair on its own), reclear security, and find the gate.  Because I hopped the passport control and security queues, and because I sprinted, I made it.  Just.  The flight was uneventful and not very full.

At the airport in Warsaw, I stopped into the lounge for a quick snack, stopped past the Air France office to sort out my seats for Sunday's flights, and taxied into Warsaw.  The ride was only about 10USD and twenty minutes.

The Warsaw Hilton is a newer hotel tower, 26 stories.  The staff were welcoming, the room was nice enough, and it felt good to be able to get out of my clothes an into a shower.  To bed early tonight to try to compensate for zero sleep last night.  All in all I've been satisfied with my first mileage run.  Let's see what tomorrow brings!

View from my room at the Hilton:

Four o'clock in Warsaw (nearly sunset, actually) and the back of the Hilton:

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